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Poetry and Hobbies Poetry & Hobbies

The items marked with * include English information.
Otherwise written in Japanese.

Poetry * h. Collected Poems "Walking"

* g. Collected Poems "Little By Little"

* f. Collected Poems "The Horizon"

* e. Collected Poems "The Starting Line"

* d. Collected Poems "The Runway"

* c. Collected Poems "The Salad Bowl in Memory"

* b. Collected Poems "The Dim Light"

* a. Collected Poems "The Boston Bag"

*  - My first poetry book "The Boston Bag" (published in November 1994)

- My poems appeared in the magazine "Sad Indians" (1999-2003)

- Poetry Reading (January 2000 - April 2007)

Haiku - Learning Haiku

- Today's Haiku Collection (December 2003 - September 2005)

- Haiku Collection (miscellaneous) (October 2005 - August 2009)

Music - Music Collection 1

- Music Collection 2

- The Seekers, "Morningtown Ride" (Japanese translation of lyrics)

- "Blooming" (own music and lyrics)

- "The Girl Selling Smiles" (own lyrics)

Photo - Memories of Florence (Small Sizes)   (Large Sizes)

- A Wandering Walk in Nagoya from Fukiage to Sakae (Small Sizes)    (Large Sizes)

Stamp - 88 Sacred Places of Shikoku and Their Cultural Heritage Stamps

- Okinawa Stamps and Things about Okinawa

- Hokkaido Stamps

Sport - Report on the Autumn Grand Sumo Tournament in September 2002 (Kokugikan in Ryogoku, Tokyo) focusing on Yokozuna Takanohana

- Running Log

Last updated on March 29, 2021.
Copyright (c) Koichi Horiba, 1996-2021